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Centre for Disability Studies And Inclusive Education

About Us

SavitribaiPhule Pune University is recognized as potential of excellence and NAAC accredited ‘A’ grade university.The University had establish Centre for Disability Studies And Inclusive Education to provide Disability support services to the students with disabilities of the university campus and affiliated institutions in order to provide equal opportunities in higher education And to create awareness among the functionaries of higher education about the specific educational needs of persons with disabilities.

The centre is inaugurated on 10th February 2008 by Dr.Narendra Jadhav, then honourable vice chancellor, Savitribai Phule Pune University.It is situated in the auspicious campus of The university and administered by Department of Education and Extension, SavitribaiPhule Pune University.The purpose of the establishment of Centre was to promote, protect and ensure the equal rights of all kinds of education including commerce and management, science, technology, medicine etc by making available Accessible infrastructure and assistive technologies and its training to the persons with disabilities to bring them in the normal stream and make them productive citizen of the country.

The Centre has undertaken several projects to make university education accessible, barrier free and inclusive for all kinds of persons with disabilities. researchers at the centre are engaged in solving academic challenges of persons with disabilities such as how a class room and laboratories can be made accessible, How academic course content can be made accessible, how to teach to inclusive class etc.


  • To Provide educational support services for students with disabilities of the university, its affiliated colleges and other universities and educational institutions around.

  • To Develop of accessible course curriculum and course content for inclusion of students with disabilities in higher education.

  • To Develop new and cost-effective indigenous assistive technology software tools and its localization in Indian context.

  • To Study of various national and international accessibility standards and regulations for persons with disabilities, generate accessibility awareness and support its implementation in academic institutions, government and corporate organizations.

  • To Conduct conferences, seminar, workshops and awareness program in the field of Accessibility for persons with disabilities.

  • To generate human resources in the area of Disability studies and Inclusive Education by offering academic programs.