Masters Programmes
Masters Programme in Physics (M.Sc.)
M.Tech. in Atmospheric Physics
Master of Philosophy in Physics (M.Phil.)
Master of Philosophy in Physics (M.Phil.)

The Master of Philosophy is a programme for a minimum of two semesters which is to be done after obtaining M.Sc. in physics or in a related subject. It involves three courses and a project work equivalent to two courses. Two of the three courses are common and obligatory for each M.Phil. student and these are

  • Problem Solving

  • Methods of Experimental Physics

The third course is the guide's course. The contents of this course can vary from student to student and depend on what the guide and the student decide together.

This course is useful from the following points of view:

  • For undergraduate teachers who may have done their M.Sc. ten or twenty years ago and who wish to to refresh their touch with physics.

  • It also serves as course work for pre-Ph.D. students.

  • For students who have done M.Sc. in some other subject and want to do their Ph.D. in physics, the first two courses are compulsory before they can be registered as Ph.D. students.

For more information about the programme and admissions, please contact the Head of the Department (